Yellow Beach Campground Coastal Reserve, Lady Barron, Flinders Island Tasmania is accessible from Potboil Road, app. 2 kilometres east of Lady Barron. This free campground Flinders Island offers overnight camping only in campervans – there is no option for tent-based camping at this location. Bookings are not possible; camping is on a first-come, first-served basis. You can call and check availability with the Flinders Island Parks and Wildlife Service (03 6359 2217). There are several decent campsites together with a shaded free gas BBQ, inside shelter, picnic tables, water, toilets, and a shower at Yellow Beach. This campground is suitable for small groups – the campsite can cater to 10-15 vehicles. The nearby viewing platform is an ideal location to view the islands of Franklin Sound including Big Green, Vansittart, Big Dog, Little Dog, and Cape Barren, or west towards Lady Barron Wharf. This great free campground on Flinders Island is immediately next to the beach, and where swimming is possible. Campers can also take the Yellow Beach walk, which is app. 3.5 km return and that takes you along the coast back towards the boat slip and Lady Barron. For campers wishing to dine out during their stay, the nearby Furneaux Tavern (03 6359 3521) provides great meals and also other facilities available at a small charge. When camping on Flinders Island, campers are asked to take care not to pollute any local water systems and to be careful when drinking water from streams. Flinders Island can be accessed by air from Launceston and Hobart with Sharp Airlines or Essendon across Bass Strait with Sharp Airlines. See Camping Flinders Island Itinerary:

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